As per standard CMVR norms, a Triple Axle Trailer provided with mechanical suspension attached to
a 4 x 2 Tractor has an approved GVW of 45.5 Tonnes. However, by virtue of change in design of
Trailer suspension and Tractor, the same trailer could now provide a GVW of 53 Tonnes when
attached to a suitable 4 x 2 Tractor. Add to it 2 more Tonnes if all 3 axles are provided with Air
Suspension. So total available GVW is 55 Tonnes.
Presently, 4 x 2 Tractors are available in 2 configurations – difference is in Engine Power and
corresponding drive line. Transporters are required to link higher Horsepower 4 x 2 Tractor to avail
of this facility.
So, Transporters could now avail of higher payload in 4 x 2 Tractor Trailer Combination as compared
with 6 x 4 Tractor with Mechanical suspension (GVW 55 Tonnes) as maximum GVW is capped at 55
Tonnes. Provision of air suspension could not provide higher GVW in 6x 4 Tractor Trailer
combination. 6 x 4 Tractor also has a higher unladen weight and cost as compared to 4 x 2 Tractor.