Standard Bulker design is of Banana Shape or can be called ‘V’ shaped. This has a standard loading
manhole – 2 nos – one at centre and one at rear end. The Centre manhole is used for loading the
bulker with Cement, Fly ash, etc. This design has a limitation linked to maximum load capacity
related to maximum body width as per CMVR Rules and minimum angle of repose required for
proper unloading of material.
A different version of this ‘V’ Shaped Bulker is ‘Double V’ type bulker wherein the height of bulker
increases without compromise on the body width and angle of repose. Here 2 nos of manhole are
provided – one at front end and other at rear end. However, in this bulker, loading needs to be done
from both manholes for full capacity utilisation owing to design of bulker. Increase in height
compromises the stability and difficulty is encountered in some loading stations wherein the
increased height cannot be accommodated.
With a view to overcome the above drawbacks, ‘W’ shaped Bulker is the creative solution. The shape
seems like 2 bulkers joined to each other. The bulker is provided with 3 nos manholes – one at front
end, one at centre and one at rear end. The centre manhole is utilised for loading purpose. The
outlets of both the bulkers are linked to each other and delivery is through a single outlet. The Load
capacity increases, design is stable and more efficient in terms of unloading timings.